Sunday, December 21, 2014

The last ship to leave Subic Bay 1992

12 x 16 oil on canvas art board
The US Navy closed the Naval Stations at Subic Bay and Cubi Point, Philippines. Olongapo was the town outside the navy base. There were many loves lost on that final day...there is symbolism with the ships wake touching the two ladies standing... the other crying is totally alone.


  1. How much cool painting is this!! I really loved the concept of this painting. I was looking for good source of knowledge about Aboriginal Art paintings and concepts behind them. These kind of paintings have fascinated me since my childhood.

  2. The painting although original from my brush is not something I just thought up. It is an adaptation of a photograph taken by a Pacific Stars & Stripes photographer as the last USN ship left Subic Bay in 1992. The photo had the women quite small and the ship very large. I felt the emphasis should be the sorrow of the women left behind and thus I reduced the ships size and modified my painting to how I felt the emotions should play out. Thanks for the comment...

    1. Unfortunately, you also changed the ship to an aircraft carrier, which seriously affects the authenticity. Too bad; other than that, it's a wonderful and moving adaptation of the original.

  3. Yes, the ship was the USS Belleau Wood LHA 3 and Amphibious Assault ship. The shipped faced the other way in the original photo. I was on the ship when it when it pulled out of Subic Bay. I believe the girl in the middle was my girl fiend while I was in the Philippines.
